Ph.D. Program

In the revamped doctoral program that was implemented in Fall 2021, all Education graduate students are required to take two proseminar courses and three core courses. They will take two research methodology courses in common and then choose from a menu of additional methods courses. Each student will also be required to take a series of advanced courses: courses in an advanced course pathway and elective courses. All courses that count toward requirements must be taken for a letter grade and passed with a B or better (with the exception of courses only offered on an S/U basis).

Proseminars: • 2-unit course as ED 200A (first-year one-quarter seminar)

• 2-unit course as ED 200B (second-year community building events)

Research Methods: • Total of 5 research methods courses

• All students are required to take ED 214A Introduction to Statistics and ED 221A

Introduction to Qualitative Methods.

• Quantitative courses to be used to fulfill the rest of the requirement are the following:

ED 214B Inferential Statistics

ED 214C Linear Models for Data Analysis

ED 216A Advanced Multivariate Statistics

ED 216B Factor Analysis

ED 216F Structural Equation Models

ED 217A Constructing Measures

ED 217B Analyzing and Validating Measures

ED 217C Philosophy of Measurement

• Qualitative courses to be used to fulfill the rest of the requirement are the following:

ED 221B Qualitative Interviewing

ED 221CC Observational Research

ED 221D Video Analysis

ED 221EE Discourse Analysis in Educational Settings

ED 221F Community Ethnography

ED 221GG Case Study Methods: Research and Practice

ED 221H Design-Based Research and Research-Based Design

ED 224AA Interactional Ethnography

ED 224B Narrative Analysis

ED 224CC Textual Analysis

If you already have a substantial background in research methodology, it is possible to waive the introductory courses, with the consent of both the advisor and the instructor of the relevant course. Other appropriate research methods courses can also be substituted for courses on these lists.

Core Courses: • 3 courses, one course in each of the three Program Areas

Advanced Courses: • 6 courses from advanced program pathways, with courses within a given advanced pathway strongly recommended but not required

• 3 courses as electives (to be determined with the advisor, to be taken from any department, and to not include independent study courses)

1. Human Development

ED 209A Seminar in Language Development OR ED 202A Bilingual Language Development

ED 209B Seminar in Social Development

ED 209C Cognitive Development

ED 209H Physical Development and Health

ED 276 Immigrant Education and Literacy Development

ED 277 Latino Children and Their Families

2. Language, Culture & Literacies

ED 202B Seminar in Language Socialization OR ED 202A Bilingual Language Development

ED 202I Literacy Assessment (currently Assessment of Writing)

ED 205 Anthropology of Education

ED 210E Sociocultural Learning Theory

ED 270F Second Language Learning and Educational Contexts

ED 270H Language, Culture and Learning

1. STEM Education

ED 210B Introduction to Children's Thinking

ED 258J Seminar in Curriculum: Development and Analysis

ED 286C Learning Theories and Instructional Practices in STEM (currently Learning Theories and Instructional Practices in Science Education)

ED 279 Foundations of Teacher Education (currently Perspectives on Teacher Education and Professional Development)

ED 287 Research in Informal STEM Education OR ED 256 Technology in Learning Contexts

ED 293 Equity in STEM (currently Mathematics: Cultural Comparisons)

2. Special Education

ED 222F Inclusive Education

ED 228 M or N Research in Teaching, Learning and Assessment in Special Education I (Focus on students with Extensive Support Needs) OR (NEW) Research in Teaching, Learning and Assessment in Special Education II (Focus on Learning Disabilities, ADHD, and Emotional Disabilities)

ED 222D Law, Ethics and History of Special Education

ED 228E Families and Disabilities

Two additional courses from another LTTE pathway

3. Teacher Education

ED 222F Inclusive Education

Teacher Education Research /Practice Practicum

ED 203A Foundations of Education in the US (currently Foundations of Education)

ED 210E Foundations of Sociocultural Learning Theory

ED 279 Foundations of Teacher Education (currently Perspectives on Teacher Education and Professional Development)

ED 284 Teacher Knowing and Learning

4. Literacy Education

ED 202I Literacy Assessment (currently Assessment of Writing)

ED 202C Development of Academic Literacies (currently Development of Writing Abilities)

ED 203A Foundations of Education in the US (currently Foundations of Education)

ED 210E Foundations of Sociocultural Learning Theory

ED 258J Seminar in Curriculum: Development and Analysis

ED 270H Language, Culture and Learning

1. Quantitative Research Methods

ED 225 Evaluation Procedures

ED 227 Mixed Methods

ED 216B Factor Analysis

ED 216F Structural Equation Modeling

ED 217B Analyzing and Validating Measures

ED 217C Philosophy of Measurement

2. Policy and Leadership

ED 205 Anthropological/Sociological Perspectives on Education

ED 201G Applied Causal Inference

ED 240A Education Policy

ED 242A Organizational Theories

ED 247A Educational Leadership

ED 276 Immigrant Education and Literacy Development

ED 211G Theories in Human Development 4.0
ED 210B Children’s Thinking 4.0
ED 228E Families and Disabilities 4.0

Milestone Requirements

Research Apprenticeship: During the first year, each student is required to participate in a research apprenticeship under the guidance of his or her faculty advisor or another qualified faculty member. The purpose of the apprenticeship is to acquaint students with the hands-on conduct of research by having them participate in the research activities of a faculty mentor.

Independent Research Project: The Independent Research Project should involve a topic of interest to the student. The student should assume major responsibility for all aspects of the project, from the review of research, through data collection, to analysis. Completion of the project should result in a paper that is appropriate for submission for publication. There is an oral defense of the project.

Qualifying Exam: The Qualifying Exam has both a written component and an oral component. The student chooses substantive topics and develops a reading list for each of these topics that is approved by the doctoral committee. The written component of the exam can consist of either a literature review based upon the reading lists or essays written in response to questions posed by the doctoral committee. The oral component takes place after the written exam has been reviewed by the committee.

Dissertation Proposal: The dissertation proposal is a detailed proposal for the dissertation research, including a description of the problem or issue to be addressed, a review of the relevant literature, and a description of the procedures by which the study will be conducted. There is an oral defense of the proposal with the doctoral committee.

Dissertation Defense: A dissertation defense involves a formal oral presentation of the dissertation project by the student and a series of questions by the doctoral committee. The oral presentation can include a public component if the student wishes. The dissertation is considered complete once it has been approved by the faculty and filed with the Graduate Division.

Program Learning Outcomes

The program learning outcomes for doctoral students in Education are listed in the Student Handbook as well below.

PLO Area: Core Knowledge

  1. Demonstrate general knowledge of educational research and theory consistent with that of a faculty member in a department of education at a research university.
  2. Demonstrate extensive specialized knowledge of a sub-field (e.g., mathematics education, educational leadership, special education, language and literacy education, etc.) of educational research and theory sufficient to carry out substantive independent research in that sub-field.

PLO Area: Research Methods and Analysis

  1. Identify and demonstrate knowledge of a select range of qualitative and quantitative methodologies typically used in education research and their underlying epistemology, and critically read research that uses these methods.
  2. Systematically analyze and critically evaluate data to come up with appropriate findings and interpretations.

PLO Area: Independent Research

  1. Frame an empirical research study guided by theory and prior research.
  2. Design and implement a study using appropriate research questions, methods, and techniques.

PLO Area: Academic Communication

  1. Review and cogently synthesize relevant literature.
  2. Structure a coherent academic argument that presents and evaluates evidence to support claims.
  3. Prepare proposals (e.g., conferences, fellowships, and grants) and manuscripts that meet the standards of the profession and respond appropriately to recommendations for revision.
  4. Prepare and deliver presentations that meet the standards of professional conferences.

PLO Area: Professionalism

  1. Demonstrate the ability to identify pressing educational questions and problems, and communicate relevant aspects of them to the general public.
  2. Demonstrate knowledge of and adherence to the ethical standards of the American Educational Research Association, and the Institutional Review Board.