2023 KP Bargaining Updates

We did it! After the largest healthcare worker strike in US history, we secured a landmark agreement that provides a framework for long-term solutions to the short-staffing crisis. This victory was delivered by the sheer grit, unwavering dedication, and unbreakable spirit of our Coalition of Kaiser Permanente Union members. We’ve made history!

The 4-year contract covering 85,000 represented healthcare workers is in effect from October 1, 2023, to September 30, 2027.

Raises, PSP, and Bonuses Pay Out Dates:

The Coalition unions have been pushing Kaiser to implement our 6% raises and retro pay as soon as possible. Kaiser’s HR Connect software has to be manually programmed for the raises.

Kaiser is telling us the 6% raises and retro pay will be coming on Jan 26, 2024 for Colorado. The retroactive payments to the first pay period after Oct 1, 2023 will also be on those checks.

We were able to push up the date that Kaiser pays the $1500 ratification bonus to Dec 15, 2023 for Colorado. The ratification bonus is for all represented employees who were in a Coalition job on November 9, 2023: full-time, part-time, on-call or per diem. It is not prorated.

The other key month will be March of 2024, when the shift differential increases go into effect, and when the PSP bonus with a minimum payment of $1500 (prorated for less than 1800 hours in 2023) will be paid.

If you have any questions please reach out to your steward, organizers, or email healthcare@seiu105.org.

UPDATE 20 – 10/23/2023

The results are in, and an overwhelming 99% of SEIU Local 105 KP members voted YES to ratify our historic tentative agreement!

The work every 105 KP member has put in over the past year to get to this moment is a testament to the unity, strength, and dedication of our union.

Together, we put in the sacrifice to achieve a contract that will help us recruit and retain the healthcare staff we need to deliver the best quality care for patients in our community.

What’s next? Our national tentative agreement will not go into effect until all of our Coalition of Kaiser Permanente Unions have voted to ratify our historic contract.

Please stay tuned for further updates as we receive them from our coalition partners!

See the summary of our Tentative Agreement below for more info on our hard-fought wins!

Please contact healthcare@seiu105.org if you have any questions.

UPDATE 19 – 10/16/2023

Congratulations! We’ve made history for healthcare workers across the country. After our record-breaking strike and bargaining through the night and into the early hours last Friday, your bargaining team reached a TENTATIVE AGREEMENT with Kaiser Permanente that includes a historic 21% raise over the next 4 years, an improved PSP, extended outsourcing protections, and much more.

From the front page of The Denver Post to national news coverage all weekend long, our victory in Colorado and across our regions has shown that when we stand united and fight for what’s right, WE WIN!

Now it’s time to lock in these historic victories by voting YES to RATIFY our tentative agreement!

Ratification votes in Colorado will start this Wednesday, October 18th, and run through this Saturday, October 21st. We have voting locations set up across the state.

Click the link below for the dates, locations, and times. NOTE: Room numbers for these ratification vote locations will be added and updated in the next 24 hours.


After showing Kaiser our unified strength last week during the largest healthcare workers strike in US history, your bargaining team has reached a TENTATIVE AGREEMENT with Kaiser Permanente that includes a historic 21% raise over the next 4 years, an improved PSP, extended outsourcing protections, and much more. That’s right, because we stood together and fought, we WON BIG on our critical contract issues!

These past few months of bargaining have been an intense fight, and the historic agreement we’ve reached is a testament to the unwavering strength of our membership and the power of our union. Together, we have achieved a milestone that will positively impact the lives of healthcare workers across Colorado for years to come.

See below for a breakdown of what we won together:

This historic agreement needs to be ratified by a membership vote and your SEIU Local 105 KP National Bargaining Team is recommending an immediate YES vote. Details on voting times and locations will follow soon so stay tuned!

A HUGE congratulations to each and every one of you for the incredible achievement we’ve made together through the POWER of our union. Let’s celebrate this incredible victory and continue our progress for a better Kaiser together because WHEN WE FIGHT, WE WIN!

KP Virtual Town Hall Tuesday October 17th

Join us for a special KP Virtual Town Hall on ZOOM to hear more updates on this historic agreement and ratification vote information on Tuesday, October 17th at 7pm!

UPDATE 17 – 10/4/2023

We’ll get right to the point. Despite your bargaining team’s effort until the last possible moment, Kaiser executives’ could not come together to offer a fair deal for healthcare workers. We showed up. We gave them notice. But they failed to come to an agreement with our coalition.

It’s time to go ON STRIKE! Our Unfair Labor Practice strike will start at 6am today, October 4th, and will last until 6am on Saturday, October 7th. Please take a minute to follow the link below to review the strike locations and times, as there have been minor changes since the RSVP Form was originally sent out.

Now, let’s talk about why we need to do this.

Kaiser executives are refusing to listen to frontline healthcare workers and are bargaining in bad faith over the solutions we need to end the Kaiser short staffing crisis.

The solution is for Kaiser executives to comply with labor law in discussions with frontline healthcare workers, and invest in rebuilding our workforce. What does that mean?

We’ve shown up time and time again at the bargaining table, and Kaiser executives either refused to meet with our full coalition, or presented us with disrespectful and unacceptable proposals.

It’s time for us to show our power, and show up STRONG to the picket line ON STRIKE against Kaiser executives’ unfair labor practices. It’s time to show them that we’ll do whatever it takes to win a STRONG contract to address the crisis in patient care.

We know that when we fight, WE WIN! It’s time for 75,000 of us to stand Coalition Strong from coast to coast and across Colorado, and show Kaiser executives that we’re not backing down from this fight.

If you have any questions, please reach out to healthcare@seiu105.

UPDATE 16 – 10/3/2023

We are less than 24 hours away from the largest healthcare workers strike in U.S. History, and Kaiser is negotiating intensely… with Kaiser!

Yes, you read that correctly. At this point, the majority of the negotiating happening is between different camps within Kaiser executive leadership: those who want to avoid a strike and those who want to fight it out.

Because of the internal debate raging, we have not heard from Kaiser on an overall settlement package that deals with our top issues. This chaotic approach to negotiations is what has driven Kaiser’s bad-faith bargaining all along, but the dysfunction on their team has never been as stark as it has been over the last day.

Discussions have continued on some important issues. Yesterday we reached a Tentative Agreement on a 40% increase to our Education Fund. This will help expand the support for current Kaiser members to get the education and training needed to promote into higher paid classifications. There has also been slow movement and continued discussion on a range of other issues.

But what Kaiser executives need to get on the same page about is the major questions outstanding in these negotiations:

These are the questions still being debated in Kaiser corporate offices as you read this.

We have no choice but to prepare for the likelihood that Kaiser will continue to choose unfair labor practices over bargaining in good faith with us to solve the Kaiser Staffing crisis. And we are prepared!

The overwhelming majority of SEIU Local 105 members at Kaiser have signed up for a shift on the strike line! Bargaining team members are getting pulled out every hour to do interviews with media outlets, both local and national.

Members in the facilities are getting commitments from doctors, registered nurses, pharmacists, engineers and others to exercise their personal right not to cross our picket lines. Calls are pouring in from elected officials and community allies asking what they can do to support healthcare workers.

We are ready! Stay tuned for an update this afternoon.


There can be no agreement without significant movement from Kaiser on our main issues.

As of this update, we are still committed to our unfair labor practice strike starting TOMORROW at 6AM on 10/4 – and ending at 6AM on 10/7.

UPDATE 15 – 10/2/2023

Kaiser gave us 3 new proposals yesterday morning:

We did not agree to their proposals. We have told Kaiser that we are not changing our wage proposal and that only a unified, respectful wage increase across the coalition will result in an agreement. We also let them know we are not interested in outsourcing the revenue cycle jobs.

We will continue to send updates as they happen.

A lot of hard work is being done. Some progress is being made. But, make no mistake, there can be no agreement without significant movement from Kaiser on our main issues.

The fact that we are still so far apart on these key issues – and that Kaiser has delayed in responding to our proposals and must stop committing unfair labor practices – means that we are still committed to our strike starting at 6AM on 10/4 – and ending at 6AM on 10/7.

Please contact healthcare@seiu105.org if you have any questions.

UPDATE 14 – 9/30/2023

Negotiations between Kaiser executives and our Coalition of Kaiser Permanente Unions national bargaining team have continued all day Friday and Saturday. However, it is clear we will not be reaching an agreement before our contract expires this evening.

Since yesterday, minor progress has been made surrounding our middle priority tier of issues, but there have been no additional tentative agreements.

On the top four issues: across the board (ATB) increases, PSP, outsourcing protections, and acquisitions, we have not yet made the progress we need to reach a fair agreement.

Our Coalition is committed to bargaining through the weekend to reach an agreement that solves the Kaiser short-staffing crisis and fixes patient wait times.

In the meantime, Kaiser Executives’ bad-faith bargaining and unfair labor practices will continue to drive healthcare workers out of the industry and hurt the quality of care our patients deserve unless we take action.

That’s why as negotiations continue throughout the weekend, we must stand united with the tens of thousands of Kaiser healthcare workers across the nation and be ready to strike on October 4th, if necessary!

A lot of hard work is being done. Some progress is being made. But, make no mistake, there can be no agreement without significant movement from Kaiser on our main issues.

The fact that we are still so far apart on these key issues – and that Kaiser has delayed in responding to our proposals and must stop committing unfair labor practices – means that we are still committed to our strike starting at 6AM on 10/4 – and ending at 6AM on 10/7.

Please contact healthcare@seiu105.org if you have any questions.

UPDATE 13 – 9/25/2023

Negotiations between Kaiser executives and our SEIU Local 105/Coalition bargaining team have continued all day Saturday and Sunday and late into the evenings and early morning hours. Depending on what the issue is, there have been various degrees of progress, as described below:

RED HOT issues where we are worlds apart and cannot imagine any kind of settlement without major movement on Kaiser’s part.