Refunds Overview

Financial Aid Refunds
Financial Aid Refunds are automatically processed twice per week; therefore you do NOT need to submit a request for these funds. All other refunds must be requested (see section on Other Refunds). Financial Aid refunds for the upcoming term cannot begin processing until 10 calendar days before the first day of classes per Federal Regulations.
Enrolling in direct deposit is the quickest way to receive your refund. Those who haven't enrolled in direct deposit will be issued checks. You cannot pick up your check in person. Refund checks won't be mailed until the first day of classes. All refund checks are mailed to the local address on record, except if the local address is on-campus, then the refund check will be mailed to the permanent address.
It is the student's responsibility to keep the address information up-to-date. Refunds are not disbursed on holidays or weekends.
We highly encourage you to enroll in direct deposit for your refund, direct deposit.
SCHEDULE Adjustment refunds
To view the refund schedule for dropping a course or withdrawing from all courses, go here and then select the applicable term. For any questions related to this policy contact the Office of the Registrar. Dropping courses or withdrawing may impact your financial aid eligibility. For questions related to your financial aid eligibility contact the Office of Student Financial Aid.
All Financial Aid refunds are processed automatically with no need for you to alert our office. However, non-financial aid refunds such as credit balances that arise from scholarships, change in meal plan, over payments, etc. are not processed automatically. As a default they are held and applied to future term charges. if you want to initiate those funds being refunded you must submit a refund request to our office.
Note - You cannot have a currently active Terp Payment Plan and receive a refund. Your plan will first need to be paid in full or adjusted to match the actual current balance before any excess credit can be returned to you. Instructions on how to adjust your current plan balance may be found at

- First, Enroll in Direct Deposit if you have not done so already.
- You may complete an online refund request HERE.
- (Please note: On the online refund request page you will be asked to enter the checking account number that you wish to have your refund deposited, this is NOT your debit card number. Entering a debit card number will result in a failure of the refund to be processed.
Upon verification by the Refund Unit, refunds are processed in the same manner in which you originally paid. Refund checks are made payable to the student and are mailed from Student Financial Services and Cashiering . Credit balances attributable to payment made by personal check are subject to a 30-day hold to insure that the check clears the bank before a refund check will be issued. All refund checks are mailed to the permanent address on record. It is the student's responsibility to keep the address information up-to-date.
Credit balances attributable to payments made originally by credit card must be refunded back to the card originally charged. Credit card refunds are processed electronically and take about a week after the credit appears on your student account.
Maintaining a credit on your account
- According to Department of Education Regulation < 34 CFR 668.164(e) >any Title IV financial aid funds that are in excess of the student balance will be automatically processed as a refund within 14 days of the actual disbursement to the student account (or no later than 14 days after the first day of a term start if disbursed before the first day of class).
- Additionally, it is the policy of our office to not maintain a credit balance on a registered student account relating to private scholarships, and VA benefits for future terms or charges. These refunds are typically processed within 14 days, but always within the term in which the credit appeared. Students will be refunded via direct deposit, if enrolled, or mailed paper check if not.
- Students who have made no payment on their account at the time of withdrawal will be billed according to the above schedule.
- Students receiving Title IV funds will have their refunds calculated in accordance with Federal Regulations.
- In computing refunds to students who have scholarships and loans from University funds, the computation will be made in such a way as to return the maximum amount to the scholarship and loan accounts without loss to the University.
- Only amounts in excess of the non-refundable enrollment deposit will be refunded.
- Schedule Adjustment Refund rates are based upon withdrawals confirmed by Records and Registration.
- Refunds for Special Courses: COOP 098/099, MATH 001,002,003,010,011, 013,015: A part-time or full-time undergraduate who drops COOP 098/099, ENCO 098/099, or a zero-level Math course will receive an 80% refund of the fee if the course is dropped during the first five (5) days of classes or 0% thereafter. Zero-level Math courses will still be counted in the determination of hours for full-time or part-time status, not withstanding the refund policy.
- Any unpaid charges on a student’s financial account with the university will be subtracted from any refund prior to processing a refund request.
- For payments made by credit card, refunds will be credited to the original credit card account and will be reflected on the credit card monthly statement. If a student receives a refund of amounts charged to a credit card, the credit card owners are responsible for paying any and all interest charges accrued on the credit card.
- Students have the ability to change the target deposited bank within the direct deposit portal (link at top of this page), but If you have enrolled in direct deposit and wish to remove your enrollment entirely to go back to mailed paper checks, please email this request along with our UID number to
Have a Question?
Contact us for questions about your monthly billing statement.
General billing questions can be answered by our Financial Service Center by email or phone.
Counter Service (1135 Lee Building)
Monday: 8:30-12:00 and 1:00-4:30
Tuesday: 8:30-12:00 and 1:00-4:30
Wednesday: 9:30-12:00 and 1:00-4:30
Thursday: 8:30-12:00 and 1:00-4:30
Friday: 8:30-12:00 and 1:00-4:30
Student Financial Services and Cashiering
- Lee Building
- 7809 Regents Dr.
- College Park MD 20742-5151, USA
- P: 301.314.9000
- ©2018 All rights reserved