Lending Policies and Rates

ADB’s lending policies

ADB's Classification and Graduation Policy determines the eligibility of developing member countries (DMCs) to borrow based on two main criteria, (i) per capita income and (ii) creditworthiness. DMCs are classified into:

DMCs within these groups are further differentiated to determine the mix of funds and lending terms they can access, based on ADB’s (i) concessional assistance policy and (ii) policy on diversified financing terms.

Classification of DMCs in 2024 Download PDF version

Concessional Assistance Countries

Group A: Concessional Assistance-only OCR Blend
ADF-eligible COL-only Gap a
ADF-only (100% grant) ADF Blend (50% grant) COL-only (0% grant)
Federated States of Micronesia σ
Kiribati* σ
Maldives σ
Marshall Islands σ
Samoa σ
Tonga σ
Tuvalu* σ
Kyrgyz Republic
Nauru σ
Solomon Islands* σ
Vanuatu σ
Nepal* Bhutan
Lao People’s Democratic Republic*
Cook Islands σ
Fiji σ
Niue σ
Palau σ
Papua New Guinea σ
Sri Lanka
Timor-Leste* σ
Group A: Concessional Assistance-only: ADF-eligible: ADF-only (100% grant) Group A: Concessional Assistance-only: ADF-eligible: ADF Blend (50% grant) Group A: Concessional Assistance-only: ADF-eligible: COL-only (0% grant) Group A: Concessional Assistance-only: COL-only Gap a OCR Blend
Federated States of Micronesia σ
Kiribati* σ
Maldives σ
Marshall Islands σ
Nauru σ
Samoa σ
Tonga σ
Tuvalu* σ
Kyrgyz Republic
Solomon Islands* σ
Vanuatu σ
Nepal* Bhutan
Lao People’s Democratic Republic*
Cook Islands σ
Fiji σ
Niue σ
Palau σ
Papua New Guinea σ
Sri Lanka
Timor-Leste* σ

Regular OCR only Countries

SIDS below the IBRD income cutoff and new group C
LMICs and SIDS above the IBRD income cutoff
UMICs below the IBRD income cutoff
UMICs above the IBRD income cutoff
High-income countries
India b
Viet Nam
People’s Republic of China

* = least developed, σ = small island developing states, ADF = Asian Development Fund, COL = concessional OCR lending, IBRD = International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, Lao PDR = Lao People’s Democratic Republic, LMICs = lower middle-income countries, OCR = ordinary capital resources, SIDS = small island developing states; UMICs = upper middle-income countries.

a COL-only gap countries, as designated by the International Development Association (IDA).
b Group B with no access to concessional assistance.

Developing members: Afghanistan; Armenia; Azerbaijan; Bangladesh; Bhutan; Brunei Darussalam; Cambodia; People’s Republic of China; Cook Islands; Georgia; India; Indonesia; Fiji; Hong Kong, China; Kazakhstan; Kiribati; Republic of Korea; Kyrgyz Republic; Lao People’s Democratic Republic; Malaysia; Maldives; Marshall Islands; Federated States of Micronesia; Mongolia; Myanmar; Nauru; Nepal; Niue; Pakistan; Palau; Papua New Guinea; Philippines; Samoa; Singapore; Solomon Islands; Sri Lanka; Taipei,China; Tajikistan; Thailand; Timor-Leste; Tonga; Turkmenistan; Tuvalu; Uzbekistan; Vanuatu; Viet Nam.

By making any designation of or reference to a particular territory or geographical area, or by using the term "country" in the website, ADB does not intend to make any judgment as to the legal or other status of any territory or area. Boundaries, colors, denominations or any other information shown on maps do not imply, on the part of ADB, any judgment on the legal status of any territory, or any endorsement or acceptance of such boundaries, colors, denominations, or information.

Terms and conditions of ADB's concessional loans

Maturity Grace Period Interest Other Features
Group A (CA-only), non-SIDS: Project Loans 32 yrs 8 yrs 1% during the grace period
1.5% during the amortization period
Equal amortization; No commitment fee
Group A (CA-only), non-SIDS: Policy-based Loans 24 yrs 8 yrs 1% during the grace period
1.5% during the amortization period
Equal amortization; No commitment fee
Group B (OCR blend), non-SIDS 25 yrs 5 yrs 2% interest per year Equal amortization; No commitment fee
Group A (CA-only) and Group B (OCR blend), SIDS 40 yrs 10 yrs 1% interest per year Principal repayment at 2% per year for the first 10 years after the grace period and 4% per year thereafter; No commitment fee
Emergency Assistance Loans 40 yrs 10 yrs 1% interest per year Principal repayment at 2% per year for the first 10 years after the grace period and 4% per year thereafter; No commitment fee

ADB Loan Charges for Regular OCR Flexible Loan Product (FLP)

Average Maturity C0 B & C1 C2 C3 C4
< 9 years0 0 0 0 0
9 years to 13 years 0 0 10 20 40
> 13 years to 16 years 0 10 20 30 50
> 16 years to 19 years 0 20 30 50 75

* Determined semi-annually and applied to the outstanding FLP sovereign loans for the applicable period.


  1. FLPs have a maximum average maturity limit of 19 years.
  2. C0 refers to groups receiving zero maturity premium, which include small island developing states below the IBRD income cutoff and new regular ordinary capital resources-only members in transition.
  3. Average loan maturity is the average number of years to repay, weighted by repayment amounts. For example, a 20-year loan with 2 equal repayments in years 10 and 20 will have an average maturity of 15 years (10 x 50% + 20 x 50%).
  4. The funding cost margins for loans under the Countercyclical Support Facility (CF) and COVID-19 Pandemic Response Option (CPRO) are available in the Revised Lending Rates and Funding Cost Margins for the Asian Development Bank's Loan Products (July–December 2024).